
Group: DynoMotion Message: 4855 From: dotma99 Date: 5/8/2012
Subject: Kflop has stopped connecting to PC
Hi Tom

A strange problem. My PC will not connect to my kflop/kanalog anymore. I haven't, so far as I know, changed anything. I was editing a tool change C program when it happened.

Now if I start kMotion, it does not connect, but oddly when I then start kmotion cnc, both programs flash between connected and unconnected, but they do not connect.

I have tried to run it from my W7 laptop, but no joy there either.

The kflop appears to boot up OK, or rather the two lights come on and stay on, and the kanalog board LED comes on and stays on.

I am running XP, and the board is not powered via the USB connection. I have tried the usual things (reloaded USB driver, reloaded software (and changed to the 429 version).

Could it be a firmware issue, and if so, how do I reflash if I cannot connect?

This is a bit urgent!


Group: DynoMotion Message: 4858 From: dotma99 Date: 5/8/2012
Subject: Re: Kflop has stopped connecting to PC
Sorry - I spotted how to reflash, and its now OK. I must have somehow corrupted the firmware.


--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, "dotma99" <edward@...> wrote:
> Hi Tom
> A strange problem. My PC will not connect to my kflop/kanalog anymore. I haven't, so far as I know, changed anything. I was editing a tool change C program when it happened.
> Now if I start kMotion, it does not connect, but oddly when I then start kmotion cnc, both programs flash between connected and unconnected, but they do not connect.
> I have tried to run it from my W7 laptop, but no joy there either.
> The kflop appears to boot up OK, or rather the two lights come on and stay on, and the kanalog board LED comes on and stays on.
> I am running XP, and the board is not powered via the USB connection. I have tried the usual things (reloaded USB driver, reloaded software (and changed to the 429 version).
> Could it be a firmware issue, and if so, how do I reflash if I cannot connect?
> This is a bit urgent!
> best
> Edward